Feb 18 2022


72 Salaminos st.
104 35 Athens
Friday 18 Feb:
17:00 - 18:00

Skinscapes (oracle and warrior), 2021
(Textile work, Cotton, glass fiber plastic, textile dye, polyester thread, and haberdashery
mounted on wooden structure, 235 x 400 x 40 cm)
Courtesy the artist, produced by Museum M Leuven

Ελληνική Εκδοχή

As part of the #RevoltingBodies // Exhibition II finisage, a rather special performance from the participating artist Nefeli Papadimouli will be presented. Her piece titled Skinscapes (oracle and warrior) that is presented
in the Atopos building, will be activated through the bodies of two dancers who will essentially transform the static work that so far hangs from the wall, into something dynamic, into a body that is moving and interacting with its environment.

This ability of the piece, to be both moving and static, manages in a profound yet schematic way to flirt with the history of revolutions. The work itself is based on a perspective towards the phenomenon of social balance as it has been approached by the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, and the dynamic between presence and absence. Therefore, the combination of the two manifestations of the work can be seen as a metaphor for any social structure that functions through the human body that can persist with its attitude to maintain a certain status quo or to end it with its movement, especially if it self-identifies as part of a revolutionary body. In a sense, just as the piece is designed to be interlinked to the human body, so can any society be designed in a distant, cerebral manner, but it is ultimately captive to the real life, human body that both static or moving, can be a force of altering and overturning.

Friday 18th: 17:00 – 18:00

Click here to book your timed ticket